Our big No.s

We know about sustainable and regenerative architecture.

But sometimes we get confronted with uncomfortable ethical situations.

Which is why we occasionally like to say no.

No. 6 | No Smoke without Fire
Jenny Carlin Jenny Carlin

No. 6 | No Smoke without Fire

We say no to projects with wood burning stoves* and support you with alternatives. We explore the appeal of wood burning stoves, suggest some positive mindsets, and put forward practical substitutes.

*with some exceptions

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No. 4 | No obligation.
Jenny Carlin Jenny Carlin

No. 4 | No obligation.

At Silvan we aim to make architecture accessible by providing a transparent guide to the way we work, and by offering options for our first contact with you with low commitment.

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No. 3 | No more.
Jenny Carlin Jenny Carlin

No. 3 | No more.

Building is expensive and stressful, so why not build less, but achieve more?

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